Thursday, October 14, 2010

"Building Bridges with your words to Deaf people"

The Bridge

I have four points to share to help us to achieve the best relationship with the "bridge". What I mean by the "bridge" is to build a relationship to or with Deaf people. The goal of building a bridge to deaf people is to connect deaf people with hearing people, to unite to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ to the entire world. To do this, we need to learn the best way to listen (use our eyes to pay attention; don't lose focus). You will see below what the word "listen" stands for.

First, before you can build a bridge of communication with a Deaf person you have to speak verbally, but in sign language.

Secondly, before you can build a bridge of communication with a Deaf person  you have to learn how to guard your thoughts (the mouth speaks what is in your heart).

Thirdly, before you can build a bridge of communication with a Deaf person you have to learn to use your ears (or eyes, as to a Deaf person cannot hear). Yes, watch what you say BUT guard your heart.

Fourthly, before you can build a bridge of communication with a Deaf person you have to use sign language, using words properly.

Below is what each letter in "LISTEN" means:

L - Look at Deaf people (keep your eyes on them).
I -  (show) Interest in deaf people.
S - Stop what else you are doing (don't be distracted by other things, this will frustrate them).
T - Think about what Deaf people are saying (take your time to understand them).
E - Empathize with Deaf people (show that you care and that you're there to help them).
N - Notice body language (body language is very important in reading the feelings of others; Deaf people cannot hear your "tone" so instead they look at your body language).